Architecture as Art

I’ve known since I began studying architecture that I wanted to practice it as a healing art and have always intuitively understood that the phenomenon of space within and around the built environment not only influences the obvious cadence of our external lives but also the more subtle rhythms of our secret inner worlds.
Like music, which can move us in sudden and unexpected ways, the resonance and harmony of space – the tone and tempo of form – influence our interior atmosphere because they reflect something deeper within. It is this, the thing that touches the spirit, that is architecture.
What truly motivates me is promulgating a sensory experience of place in a way that can awaken a reflection of the inherent interior power, dignity and complex beauty of those who would enter the spaces I create. This attempt is, on my part, an offering of unconditional love for others and our shared home as well as an expression of my desire to build a world where perception of and esteem for what is beautiful within each of us is a more present and practical reality of our daily lives.
I believe that, as a discipline, architecture can contribute to building that world. To me, all space is sacred space and every building, however modest, can be a Temple. This is the intention behind my work and I imagine I will spend my whole life and career figuring out how to do it.